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Presidents Prattle: May 2023

By the time everyone reads this prattle some of us would have travelled thousands of kilometres for a swim at Monkey Mia. Manna's group did extremely well with Barb Pellick winning the ladies Master Division in a time of 1:23.35 for the 4K swim and Isabella Robinson, who swims with Barbs squad, winning the Open Division 4K swim in a time of 1:08.00. Well done ladies! The swim was like swimming stationary!!!! On the first leg, the current was very strong, even the rescue paddle boarders had trouble staying with the swimmers. I'm sure everyone had a story coming around those yellow buoys. Congratulations to everyone that participated in the swim and a special thank you to the partners that travelled with their swimming mates. A great social weekend had by all.

Tuesday morning training has proven popular, on an average 10-12 swimmers attending and enjoying morning tea afterwards. Thanks again to Wayne and Des who keep giving their time. Weather proving to be an obstacle, getting out of a nice warm home to swim at the MARC, just keep on swimming!!!!

The Gropers Relays has been organised for the 29th July, usually this event is held in August. Enter this event and I'm sure you will enjoy yourself, not only as an individual but supporting Manna's. Please get in touch with Alex our Captain if interested.

Riverton Masters Challenge series 400m and 800m long course is on Sunday, 18th June at Riverton Leisureplex Centre, entries close the 11th June, registration:

Kath and Gary Sheehan from Port Kennedy Physiotherapy have kindly donated a box of disposal hand warmers, these are in the shed at Doddi's. Just a reminder to be very conscious of hypothermia while swimming, very important to be aware of the signs, usually you aren't aware but hopefully the other swimmer's around you will be. Please read up on the subject.

Keep an eye out for our next social event, I'm sure you will be impressed!!

Our custom plates, at long last are on the way. Will notify everyone that has ordered these plates on the arrival date. Thanks for your patience.

Everyone that is travelling, either local or overseas, stay safe and well, come home with great memories.

Swim for Fun, Fitness and Friendship.

Sue M



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