Presidents Prattle : March 2023

Well, March has disappeared just like a blink!!!
Special thanks to Graham McAuslane for extending our round wooden seats in the "club Rooms".
Our ocean swims have finished until next summer except for Albany and Denmark over the Easter weekend. A few members are travelling down, all the best, let's hope the weather is kind for you all. Plus the Monkey Mia swim is on over the long weekend in June. Once again the Jetty to Jetty swim was very successful, all members that swam enjoyed excellent conditions. Pauline Wingate winning her age group, great inspiration to all members, no matter what age.
Records were broken at the Fremantle swim by Mike Bennett and Alan Lude, considering Manna's had such a small contingent of swimmers, good work Alex mustering the troops.
There seems to be a misunderstanding of the Non-Swimming membership and the 12 month membership.
A non-swimming member, does not swim (doesn't wear bathers). This was brought in last year for life members, partners of swimmers who don't swim but wish to remain part of the club, e.g. time keepers and volunteers.
A 12 month membership (ears bathers) who swims, uses our facilities at the beach, e.g., hot water showers, advantage of a spotter while swimming with a group and covered by insurance with MSS, competes in Masters Swims. ACT, BELONG, COMMIT is the motto for our club and we hope that all members take this on board.
Special thanks to the members that I approached and then changed their membership.
Our official of the year for MSA, Des Seery, has been nominated for the National Official, well done Des, best of luck.
The 30th Anniversary on the 22nd April is fast approaching. Our social committee have been working extremely hard organising this event, members are welcome to bring family and friends (no children please). Support this event as a 30th Anniversary doesn't happen very often!!!
Mark the date: 6th-7th May : State Championships at HBF Stadium. Let's all get together and support Manna's in entering and competing in this event, especially our Club Captain Alex, who once again is working hard to muster the troops.
Fun, Friendship and Fitness certainly belongs to this club.
Sue McDonald.
