Presidents Prattle: January 2024
This will be my last President's Prattle since I was nominated as President to represent this great club of ours, Mandurah Manna's, and as we all know, I will not be putting my hand up to be re-elected for 2024. I'm hoping some member with great enthusiasm, keen to offer new ideas, young or old, but be a positive input for our club, to nominate. This is your opportunity to have a say in the club's future. To be part of the committee you have to be a full financial member of the club. All committee positions are open for re-election; forms can be obtained from the cage at the pool or the shed at Doddi's Beach, fill them in and hand to any committee member. 22nd February is the date set for the AGM, 7pm in the club rooms at the MARC with pizza supplied afterwards. I would just like to say a special thank you to the committee for all their hard work achieved over the last 12 months, a President is only as good as the committee behind her or him. I'm sure our social team will endeavour to organise and arrange events but 2023 is certainly going to be hard to beat.
Club memberships are now due. If you are having problems renewing your membership, go into Swim Central, if you have the same email address and member number, follow prompts and it won't be a problem, but if you experience problems, please contact any committee member and they will be only too happy to assist you.
On the 7th January, Barb organised a bus trip to snorkel the Busselton Jetty Sculptures, this was advertised in the Club's What's App group, so any Manna member was able to join in the fun. Leaving the MARC at 6.15am!! The merry swimmers took the road trip down to Busselton to swim out to the end of the jetty, excellent to observe, but if you don't do it in the near future, the algae will eventually take over and visibility will be hard to see. Some members swam out, some walked out and most swam back. Special thanks to Karen B for supplying the freight card!!! Completely different swimming the Jetty without hundreds of others swimmers around you. After a picnic underneath our favourite fig tree we began the journey home again, a great day and many thanks Barb for organising.
the Busselton Jetty swim is just around the corner, hopefully the waiting list will dissolve, enabling all of us to swim this great event. Special mention to Paul Jacklin who will be swimming with his daughter and granddaughter, 3 generations. Lyn and Garry have again organised the Catholic Youth Centre, 180 Caves Road, Busselton. Accommodation is still available if interested, please ring Lyn on 0405 234 993 to arrange. Saturday, 10th February we will be having a BBQ out at the camp around 12 noon, BYP, but plates etc. are available. If anyone has any games to be played on the grass area, you are welcome to bring them along. Don't forget your $2 betting on the nominated closest time, I have stared collecting, the betting will cease Saturday afternoon before the swim. Sunday night we have a roast at the Esplanade Hotel, everyone is welcome to join us and to drink the "closest time winnings" If we can all meet under the fig tree for a club photo at 7:30am, that would be great. Nest year dates for the swim are Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th February 2025. All the best for the swim everyone.
The Cut2Club had over 40 Manna's register to swim the event, we could not have asked for better conditions, even the beach landing was smooth and no dumpings!! Congratulations to our winners in their age group and thanks to Mel for organising a get together in the club room after the swim. We as a club need to encourage all swimmers to compete in this event as the numbers have been dropping and we need to support our local surf club. The support that this club generates from other surfing club is unbelievable and that is one reason why you feel so safe swimming in this event.
Another successful Australia Day sausage sizzle, condition not the best but I'm sure we clocked up the k's. Alex supplying the yummy koala cake cups true Aussie style.
Churchlands swim is on the 18th February, this falls on the same day as our social get together, BUT swim in the morning and come to our get together in the afternoon, 3:30pm at 12 Redmond Drive, Erskine. Sue and Keith, once again, have offered their beautiful home for this social event. All members and partners are welcome to attend, please RSVP to Alex or Karen.
Jetty to Jetty swim is on the 10th March, entries are open for this event, one of our last oceans swims for the season.
All past and present members, do you remember Mhairi, a Scottish lady (Doctor) who swam with the club, she is paying a flying visit to Mandurah and wishes to catch up with everyone. Sunday 3rd March, a sundowner at Doddi's to meet and greet Mhairi again, mark your calendar.
See you at the AGM everyone.
Stay safe and enjoy your swimming.
Sue Mc
