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Presidents Prattle January 2022

Welcome to the New Year. It sure came in with a triumphant January 1st, when 48 swimmers hit Doddi's Beach for the “Let’s get the year started” swim. An amazing total of 198km was swum, convincingly eclipsing last years 136km. This is now a fixture on our calendar, but we will have our work cut out next year to try to beat this new mark. It see

ms a New Years eve over indulgence now has a great cure!!

There is certainly a big increase in swimmer workloads across the board as we try to

increase our fitness for the summer season. In the pool the coaches are pleased with a growing number of swimmers on Tuesday and Thursday nights, and are providing interesting programs to follow. Add Barbs squad and there is a lot of swimming intent being shown.

Thanks to Mel and Jane for today’s lesson in use of tow floats and the rescue board. These are worth having in the clubrooms and a bit of understanding in their use may well be handy. Hopefully they are not needed to be used, but great to have in the storeroom. Well done Ross for taking the lead on getting these aids.


Please be aware that the Club AGM is to be held on Feb 16th at the pool Clubroom at 7.00pm. Ann has sent out nomination sheets for the positions on committee so if you think either yourself or another member could make a contribution, then please get the signed nominations into Ann at least a week before this meeting is held. It is only through such voluntary contributions that clubs continue to operate.

With lots of great summer swimming to come, I encourage each of you to keep swimming and more importantly, be kind, and look after each other

2022 is underway!!!


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