Presidents Prattle : December 2023
Just so hard to believe that 2023 has disappeared in a blink of an eye and that all members have slipped into 2024 with health, happiness and ready to tackle what is in front of us all, wealth will come with good fortune and hard work.
Many thanks to the social committee for such a memorable Christmas party, I'm sure the carpet burns weren't included in the agenda, you guys certainly brought different circumstances to the 12 days of Christmas carol. Secret Santa, another huge success enjoying gifts that were brought along to swap. Excellent to see our Life Members, except one, that came along and enjoyed themselves. Venue and food were a great choice.
Membership is now open for 2024 season. Swim Central is the site that you click on to join, follow the prompts, if you have any problems please contact one of the committee members who will be only too happy to assist you.
Our AGM will be on the 21st February 2024, 7pm at the MARC. As you are aware I won't be putting my hand up for the President position, so if anyone is out there, please come forward, new blood is always welcomed. Plus ALL positions are up for nomination, fill the form in, which will be at the beach and pool. If you feel like you are happy to be part of this positive club, don't hesitate to nominate. My theory is that if everyone has a go on the committee, then it's not up to the same members every year to keep on giving their time. We need young blood. Manna's Need You!!!
1st January 2024 puts us into the records book in regards to our swim for the kilometers, Barb said a pray and we were rewarded with beautiful conditions, just perfect for a long swim, 249.5kms with 52 swimmers!! Congratulations everyone for participating in this annual event. Most swimmers stayed and enjoyed a BBQ afterwards in the Club Rooms. Going to be pretty hard to beat next year, will need some solo swimmers that are training for Rotto.
Busso is just around the corner, hope everyone has accommodation organised as this is a pretty busy time for Busselton and to book anything now is virtually impossible. I will be collecting the $2 for closest time nominated; hopefully the conditions will be in our favour. Don't forget to be under our favourite tree by 7:30am for the club photo before the start of the race. You can check how many times that you have swum around the Jetty by going on to Blue Chip Timing, plus Deb Bloor has a spreadsheet with the early years that you may have swum around the Jetty.
Don't forget to register for the Cut2Club, early bird has closed but you can still register for the swim which is being held on the 20th January. It's very exciting flying down the middle of the Port Bouvard Cut, until you turn around the groyne. Mandurah Manna's usually attend this swim in great numbers, so let's continue to support our local Surf Club.
10th March is the Jetty to Jetty swim, entries are open for this event, one of the last ocean swims for the year.
Just so sad to hear of the many deaths due to drowning, mainly children. As we all know, it is so important to be able to swim. Allianz swim programme for the adults was a good example, 50-60 year old's couldn't or wouldn't put their head underwater. We look at the age of our Club, the average age is 65!!! We are so lucky that you don't have to be the fastest swimmer in the shed, we are just doing it and being positive and the coffee after is the best activity.
I would just like to take this opportunity to wish everyone all the best for 2024, stay safe and most all all, stay healthy, extremely important. Keep on swimming.
Fun Fitness Friendship.
Sue McDonald
