President's Summer Prattle (February 2025)
The second big bang of New Year’s Eve ensured minimal sleep for the epic day that followed. New Year’s ‘Swim as far as you can’ Day, started at 7am. 62 swimmers collectively swam a whopping 238.5km, not quite beating last year’s stats (52 swimmers swam 249.5km) but still an amazing effort! Although had it been Telethon they’d have brought in the big guns to make up the difference. In our case, I thought Claire, The Garys (1 & 2), Karen and Steve Fergy could have cranked out a few more for the team.
Seriously, what a great day it turned out to be - a typically relaxed Doddi’s social affair under the shade of our favourite Norfolk Pine. Even Des wore a shark shield on his fold-up chair and joined us on the grass. One of the premier days on our social calendar, in my opinion.
Port Bouvard SLSC Cut 2 Club Open Water Swim on January 18 was an interesting event. With 30 Mannas registered for various distances, the cancellation of the 3.5km and 5.0km options didn’t put off our stoic competitors, proud to say most stayed to complete the 2.25km. There were some record times too, unless you got held up in the congestion at the ladder or missed the ladder all together and lost valuable minutes.
Also registered in the Cut2Club were our local member Lisa Munday and State Premier, Roger Cook. When the Captain reminded me that as President, I should approach Lisa and Roger for a photo opportunity, I argued ‘not part of my job description’ but lost. After a nervous approach, I was met with a big hug from Lisa (like old friends) and a smile and handshake from our new best mate, Roger. How easy was that? A precious Club Photo with Lisa Munday and Roger Cook followed. Good to see him out and about having fun. What a thrill it must have been to have his photo taken with the Mannas!
The annual ‘Swim Thru Perth’ 2025 was held on January 19. Unfortunately, Wayne and Joel were our only reps this year. Well done boys for flying the flag! If you can overcome your fear of large jellyfish, this really is a great open water swimming experience. Hopefully, next year’s event won’t be held the day after the Cut2Club. I think this event may need some more serious promotion, captain!
Back in December, Brett Johnston conceived a new idea - “I’m thinking of donating lamb chops for a club BBQ on Australia Day”. This was an offer too good to refuse so the club rallied and WA’s answer to Sam Kekovich didn’t let us down, with100 lamb chops! A big crowd of Mannas gathered in familiar territory for a lamb chop feast and much socialising. And that’s not all…it's well known that Canada has exported some great musical talent over the years – Neil Young, Joni Mitchell, Kirk Bamford to name a few. (I know, I know. But Kirk might be a better swimmer than Neil). Kirk is renowned to rock up with guitar, amp and mike to entertain weary swimmers. On Australia Day, he didn’t disappoint and first warmed up the rowdy mosh pit with the National Anthem (in his best Aussie accent) then reproduced some other Aussie classics. Seriously Kirk, thanks, you’re a legend.
Back to the chops - A big thank you to Brett for a great idea and generous donation. (Incidentally, Brett was later overheard mumbling something like “who knows what may happen next year”). Stay tuned.
While most attention is on open water swimming at this time of the year, records are being smashed in the pool! Coach Des reports an average attendance at January squad training of 10.5, with the highest attendance being 17 on Tuesday 28/1 (two more than the 2024 record of 15). So why the renewed interest? It’s not uncommon for newcomers to ‘try out’ and boost attendance numbers during the summer months but often they don’t hang around. So, let’s get around the new members this year, welcome them and encourage them to stay, especially if they’re younger than 64. And thanks, as always to Des and Wayne. Incidentally, have you read Des’s Pool Etiquette paper? Typically, well written, it’s useful reinforcement of the rules around respect and manners in the lane and should make everyone’s squad swimming experience more enjoyable and less frustrating.
Sunday 16th is the Newman Churchlands ABC Carnival. A big team of 12 girls and zero boys are registered. Good luck to all swimmers, hope you enjoy the day and give that relay record a shake.
Don’t forget the AGM/Award Presentation night at 7pm on Thursday 20 February in the MARC clubroom. Come along and stay for dinner (Pizza’s will be served immediately following the meeting). This year the committee will lose Deb Bloor, Paul Jacklin, Brett Matters and Narelle (should be president) Gilmore. While the thankyous will be done formally, please take the time to individually thank these people for their past contributions.
The 2025 Busselton Jetty Swim is finally done and dusted. The last notable rough Jetty Swim was in 2017 and this year a 20 km/hr west north-westerly produced lots of wind chop, white caps and rolling swell. And don’t let the ‘Slinger’ try to play down the conditions. They were tough, and much worse than the video! While some swimmers were happy with their achievements, others were reacquainted with their annual regret and vowed (as they do every year) to ‘train even harder for next year’. It is a great weekend for the club, both competitively and socially. Congratulations to all who gave it a shot. Unfortunately, regular Doddi’s swimmers will now have to find something else to talk about for at least the next six months.
One Busso virgin, who had NEVER competed in any open water swimming event, was particularly keen this year to see what all the fuss was about. So, she trained secretly for several months in the leadup. She finished the swim and was so high on pride and achievement that she’s still coming down, almost a week later. I can’t remember ever seeing a happier swimmer post-event. This is a great story of Masters Swimming possibilities, goal setting and achievement – well done Michelle Marinovich – Swimmer of the month!
You may have noticed some recent changes to the Mannas Website, including a new ‘what’s-on’ section (details of upcoming events). Thanks to Nicole Campbell for volunteering to maintain the currency of important website information. Check out ‘what’s-on’ for registration details of these upcoming events; Mullaloo Mile - March 1, Jetty to Jetty – March 9, Albany Harbour Swim – 19 April. It’s looking good Nicole, thank you.
For those who were planning to register for the Southern Ocean Classic Mile on Easter Sunday, unfortunately it has again been cancelled. This is due to the beach being closed to the public as construction and redevelopment of the precinct continues. Find out more about the works at Ocean Beach here:
Finally, good luck to Gary Bowden in his Channel Crossing attempt on February 22. We hope you have better conditions this year Gary. And hope your paddlers can keep up!
To the Dream Team of Barb Pellick, Steve Ferguson, Sue Johnston and Guy Boyce, have fun!
