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President's Prattle: October 2023

So hard to believe that October has been and gone, Christmas just around the corner and many dates to enter into your social calendar.

Mandurah Manna's are the proud winners of the Phillips/Banks Trophy, first time we have won this trophy, great day had by all, lot of laughs and yummy food. Many thanks to Gerda, Ken's wife for donating 2 bottles of beautiful wine, very much appreciated. After speaking to the President of Rockingham Swimming Club we might have a different format next year, watch this space!

Excellent to see that the swimmers adhered to the rules of the road at Doddi's today, Saturday. (I've realised that I would never be employed as a sign writer!!!.) But hopefully the swimmers did read the sign as no accidents were reported, nor near misses, plus the sausage sizzle was a huge success, thanks to Deb and Paul for assisting in the cooking. Not only cooking onions but they have perfected the slicing of onions for the sausage sizzles at Bunnings, which I believe once again was very successful, stay tuned for the results. This social event was arranged for the Allianz Learn to Swim members, but as you were aware, no takers!!! Special thanks to the social committee for arranging and making these fund raising events successful.

12th November - The Lake Swim is open for registration, this is one of the first open water swims, which is usually a good day, weather permitting, bring a basket of food to share with the other swimmers after the swim. Good idea to car pool.

19th November - This is the date for our Swim Meet to be held at the MARC, we will be looking for volunteers on the Saturday afternoon to help set up and organise the meet, please let Ross know if you are available either on the Saturday afternoon or Sunday. Entries are open to register for this annual event (Rockingham Swim Club are breathing down our necks with their average age 49!!! while our is 65!!!). Come on swimmers, don't let the age factor deter you. Plus Ann Ferguson is still looking for items for our raffle, these can be either left at the shed at Doddi's or bring to the pool. Many thanks to the members that have already donated.

9th December - Fremantle Ports Swim Thru registration is open, this is another excellent swim and training for the Busselton Jetty swim, a number of distances are available to compete in.

10th December - This is the date for our annual Christmas Party which will be held at the Brighton Hotel, 12noon in the Velour Room (upstairs). Don't forget your $5 gift for the tree. Your mind boggles what our social committee is going to organise in the way of games, be prepared for some fun. Can you please RSVP to Alex before the 1st December.

Congratulations to Gary Robinson for swimming around Keppel Island, well done.

All the best to the swimmers and paddlers who are competing in the Geo Bay Cool Water Classic swim, will be interesting to hear the results and the condition of the swim.

Swim safe.

Sue Mc




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