Hoedown Report and Photos
The Hoedown was held at the old Yacht Club, Halls Head on October 31st with over seventy people in attendance. Richard, the Line Caller, valiantly attempted to maintain disciplined eights in his square dancing calls. Members were seen falling under tables, unexpectedly changing partners and going in wrong directions, but always managing to find their way home. This provided considerable amusement for the onlookers. Shonky games were played, a silent auction was held and a delicious supper was consumed. The A team dancers gave demonstrations, which bore little resemblance to our efforts but may have been a little more coordinated.
An excellent night of laughter and fellowship which helped raise funds for a yet to be determined local charity. Many thanks to all those who helped and supported in a variety of ways, including the generosity of members who providing for the silent auction, setting up and cleaning up afterwards.
What a great club we have.
From Glenda and my team.
Thank you to Ivan for the photos capturing the moment.