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Free Come and Try - Open Water Swimming

Today, as part of the City of Mandurah Free Come and Try Event, Mandurah Masters extended an open invitation to anyone who would like to try open water swimming to join us for our Doddi's Club Swim and a BBQ after.

We were fortunate to have the pleasure of meeting potential new members Gabby, Bruce and Gareth. Well done, all three, for giving it a go. It was great talking to you and we hope you enjoyed the morning. Thank you to Deborah and Rhiannon for swimming with Gabby and Bruce.

As Ivan's photos capture, you couldn't have asked for better swimming conditions. After an enjoyable swim with several stingrays spotted along the way. We all adjourned to the Club Tree for a well-earned coffee and hearty BBQ Breakfast. Well done, Captain John, for all the time and effort he put in promoting and organising this event and the great Club spirit it fosters.

From 9:30 am to 10:30 am tomorrow, Captain John and Coach Mike have organised another Come and Try event, this time a pool session at MARC. If you are not swimming in the Jetty to Jetty or can get back in time, please come and say hello to any potential new members and pick up a few tips on Starts and Turns.



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