President's Prattle - October 2020

If you enjoyed the Country Correspondence Carnival, why not give the up comming LLCC carnivals a go. The next meet is on Sunday morning 25th October at HBF stadium. Entries close this Thursday. (see the Flyer on the club website for more details). The last LLCC for the year is to be held at Fremantle on Sunday 15th November. Details will come out soon.
Thank you to John Cahill who organised the recent CCC carnival at the pool, it was great to see so many members participating in pool swimming. Throughout the carnival here were 31 club records broken which was a fantastic effort. Record breakers were Jack Knobben (4) , Sue Johnston (8), Pauline Wingate (8), Mike Bennett (5), Guy Boyce (1), Jen Rollin-Busby (1), Gerda Williams (1), Kirk Bamford (1), Colleen Wray (1) and Joel Lewis (1). Congratulations to you all. The Records Board will be updated at the end of the year.
For those members interested in Open Water Swimming events, the first WOW swim of the season is on Sunday 8th November at Lake Leschenaultia with a variety of swim distances from 400 m to 3.2 km. Entries are open now. As in previous years those who attend can enjoy a shared lunch.
A reminder to swimmers interested in participating in the Busselton Jetty Swim next February, entries are opening on Monday November 2nd at 6.00am.
Thank you to our Social Convener Glenda for organising an extremely pleasant and well attended Sunday lunch at Redcliffe on the Murray. Not resting on her laurels, our Glenda and her team are now busy putting together more fun end of year of activities, including:
Keep Saturday night 31st October free to attend the Hoe Down. There will be line dancing with a professional dance caller for the energetic or come along and relax with your fellow Mannas. Details will be on the Web page soon.
The annual Doddi’s Dash will be held on Saturday 21st November, the 1 km swim will follow the ever popular Fashions on the Foreshore. This year the theme is based around the letter F. (from our motto Fun, Fitness & Friendship). There will be a BYO barbeque lunch to follow. Word has it that there is a new handicapper involved.
Our Christmas function will be a lunch time affair on Sunday 13th December at the South Estuary Hall in Dawesville. Details will be available closer to the date.
With the warmer weather upon us, many members are planning their summer swimming goals and there surely is something for everyone. From swimming in the outside pool at MARC on a sunny day to the coolish water at Doddi’s. I hope you all have an enjoyable start to your Spring swimming program.
Happy swimming everyone.