2020 Country Correspondence Carnival - Day 2

Great news - our 2nd Country Correspondence Carnival (CCC) morning will be held next Sunday 23 August from 8:00 to 10:00 am in the indoor pool at MARC.
The first morning was a huge success and a lot of fun. It is a great opportunity to swim with your friends in an encouraging and familiar environment that has proven popular not only with our regular pool swimmers, but also with so many of you who do not regularly swim at interclub meets. It is not too late for those who would like to give it try. Even better we have a further two more Sunday mornings on the 13th and 27th of September. The latter being a Relay Day!
It would be great for a few volunteers to come along and help on each day with timekeeping.
Please stay for a coffee afterwards and if you feel so inclined bring a plate to share.