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President's Prattle - July 2020

A lot has been happening since my last write up. Most of the action has been at the pool with the Tuesday and Thursday night training sessions back in full swing. Tuesday nights are in the outside pool and whilst you may think this could be a cool for you, after two laps warmup it is very pleasant swimming conditions. Thursday nights are in the inside pool, probably up until September at least. Thank you to the Coaches Wayne, Mike and John who have been on deck to run the sessions.

The next big event is the inaugural Phillips/Banks Cup Pool Challenge, which is to be held on Sunday 9th July at the pool. It will be a fun carnival between Mandurah and Rockingham and is shaping up to be a lot of fun. Teams will be mixed and the Flyer for the event is on our Club website for your perusal. Afterwards there will be collegiality in the Clubrooms with Cappuccino/Mocha coffee sachets/Tea and Morning Tea. Of course, the MARC Café is open for those who want a serious coffee. If you are attending, could you please bring along a small plate to share.

The Country Correspondence Carnival is being run over the next three months and Captain John has put together a program of events to be swum on selected Sunday mornings (8.00am-10.00am) at the pool. This year we will be doing all events as 25m only. Dates are 26th July, 23 August, 13 September and 27 September. These times are mainly for the longer swims as some of the shorter swims ie 50’s & 100’s are being done at the conclusion of the Thursday night training sessions. Many thanks to Helen & Hazel who have been coming down to do the timing. So far this year Narelle is the only swimmer to have clocked a club record so this is an ideal opportunity to come and have a go.

The Doddi’s Beach Swims, especially on Saturday mornings, continue to be popular. Thanks to Tom who organised a coffee van to be in attendance over the past weeks. I did hear a rumour he has sourced another van for the next few months. The water and beach conditions there have been continuing to change on a daily basis. You never know what is going to be in store for you. Remember to swim with a partner and keep an eye out for others. The Club Shed at Doddi’s is still under the COVID 19 Phase 4 Plan which at this stage means:

  • Only 2 people should be in the shed at any one time;

  • The shower can be used by two people; and

  • Continue to practise social distancing.

The committee will continue to monitor the situation in accordance with Government guidelines.

Barb Pellick has organised a talk by local physiotherapist Dr Linda Spencer about Injury Prevention, Pre Swim Activation and the Physiology of Getting Older. It is on Wed 29th July at MARC. If you want to attend please contact Barb to check if there any spots left. I am sure everyone who attends will come away with a lot more knowledgeable.

Lastly, thanks to Glenda who organised the recent Sundowner at the Peninsula. Even though it was a very cold wet night, those who attended had a very enjoyable time with lots of wine and pizza being consumed.

Take care


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