MARC Indoor Pool COVID-19 Update

Mandurah Aquatic and Recreation Centre (MARC) has increased the allowable numbers for the club to 20 persons from the 6th June.
At present, the outdoor 50m pool is still undergoing maintenance and is unavailable untill the end of June, so only the 25m indoor pool is available for use.
Each session will begin on the hour and for 1 hour. Change rooms can now be used.
Starting from Tuesday the 6th June Mandurah Mannas can have a maximum of 20 swimmers and 1 coach every Tuesday and Thursday from 6pm to 7pm.
So that we can comply with the MARC and Government requirements we will be required to do the following:
- register your intent to swim (for each session) by contacting Capt John at 0466 439008 to view
the register please Click Here
- submit a completed Health Questionnaire Click Here to the coach - no form = no swim
(This a once off form required by MSWA)
- complete an Attendance Record for MARC (available at MARC with Coach on Duty)
- be aware of the health and safety measures to keep us safe
Club members are now responsible for paying their own entry to MARC (Card payments only acceptable at Marc currently).
The cost of the lane hire will be paid in advance by Mandurah Masters Swimming Club.
Health and Safety Measures and Requirements
MARC staff will undertake a cleaning of the pool environs before each sessions can begin. This means that the pool environs will be clean before we enter to swim and our arrival will not lead to the number of people in the area exceeding the maximum number allowed.
You should:
- be aware of COVID-19 risks and prevention guidelines Click Here
- arrive at MARC 5 minutes before scheduled start
- bring your completed Health Questionnaire form to the coach on your first session
- the change rooms are open from June 6th
- bring your own equipment (fins, pull buoy, hand paddles, etc.)
- bring full water bottles (avoid water coolers)
- follow MARC and health guidelines
- do not attend if feeling unwell, or tired
- report if feeling unwell during session (to coach and MARC)
- get medical attention if feeling unwell, even if not COVID-19 related
- co-operate with MARC staff
- leave MARC immediately after you finish – no mingling with others
If you want to swim outside of training times, you must book and pay online. You will either already have access to this service via a login or you will have to create a login. To do this, go visit MARC website at
The committee will keep you informed of changes as they occur.
Happy swimming.