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President's Prattle - May 2020

Let’s talk about some good news, yes MARC has reopened!

Access is on a reduced basis. The Club has been allocated 3 lanes each Tuesday and Thursday evening from 6.00pm – 7.00pm for a total of 9 swimmers only and a club coach. These sessions are free, which includes pool entry. Captain John sent out an email earlier outlining the process you need to follow. Please don’t hesitate to contact a committee member if you want further information on this.

For the club to be able to restart training, we had to prepare and implement a Safety/Operational Plan based on the COVID 19 National Guidelines. Thank you Captain John, who was assisted by Head Coach Des, for proactively creating the plan.

Training is going to look very different for the future and there is sure to be more changes when Phase 3 of Lockdown occurs and in July when the 50m pool is scheduled to reopen.

The Club swims at Doddi’s Beach are still suspended. We are liaising with the City of Mandurah re the opening of our Shed. Expect the routine to look very different when we do officially restart. Once again Doddi’s Beach has proved to be an ever changing landscape.

Of course, people can gather in groups of up to 20 at outside venues and it has been encouraging to see many members still enthusiastically swimming at either Town or Doddi’s Beach. I won’t be joining you for a while, but must admit it has been a pleasant change discovering our great town by walking and riding and supporting all the coffee shops along the way.

We will endeavour to keep you up to date on the ever-changing guidelines at the pool and the beach.

There have been several birthdays and special occasions for members during these past nine weeks and am sure whatever you celebrated will be an interesting memory for you in the future.

I trust you have all been enjoying the fantastic weather we have been enjoying and are keeping fit and healthy.

Take care


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