President's Prattle - 23 March 2020

What uncertain times we are in, never in a million years did I ever dream I would be putting these words to paper.
I want to let you all know where our Club stands currently amidst the Coronavirus outbreak:
The MARC is closed for the foreseeable future; consequently, Tuesday and Thursday training nights are cancelled.
The Club will continue to support members if they choose to swim at Doddi's, even though TODS is closed.
Members choosing to swim at Doddi's must comply with the relevant and applicable Government protocols, including social distancing and limits on gatherings. The last thing we want to do is draw attention to ourselves by flaunting any current Government directives and be prevented from swimming.
In addition to the website and Facebook page, we have started a new club WhatsApp Chat Group. which is available to members to share updates on club activities etc. We will also be starting a Club Instagram account to share Club photos and help promote our Club.
You will have received an email from MSWA today outlining their response to Covid-19 Pool Closures. We urge you read it if you have not done so. Please take note that Masters Swimming WA request that members do not participate in ongoing group training at outside venues.
As stated by MSWA, "every person has the responsibility to assess all risks for themselves, consider their actions on others, follow government and public health advice and act in the best interest of the wider population".
I want to reassure members that the Management Committee continues to operate diligently behind the scenes to keep up to date with current Government directives and implement them when applicable.
We are in unprecedented times, guidelines are changing daily and will continue to do so. As a Club, we have always prided ourselves on looking after each other when needed and I see this will continue.
Please keep making contact with each other and checking in on members who you think may be struggling with what is happening around us.
Look after yourselves, continue to do your exercise routine and/or start going for a daily walk to clear the mind.
Take care