Second Pool Meet for 2020

Melville Masters Swimming Club invites you to their LiveLighter Club Challenge Series Meet on Sunday 22nd March, 2020. This event will be held at Leisure Fit Booragoon, 521 Marmion Street, Booragoon.
Warm Up from 08:00am to 08:45am.
1. 100 Freestyle
2. 100 Butterfly
3. 50 Backstroke 4. 50 Breasts
5. 50 Freestyle
6. 50 Butterfly
7. 100 Backstroke
8. 100 Breaststroke
9. 4 x 50 Mixed Medley Relay
10. 4 x 50 Freestyle Women’s
11. 4 x 50 Freestyle Men’s Notes: • Masters Swimming Australia swim rules apply to this meet.
• Swimmers may participate in 3 events and in an appropriate Relays
• All participating Clubs are to provide timekeepers and watches - manual Timekeeping.
• Cost of meet entry is $12.00 per swimmer payable to Mandurah Mannas BSB 633 000
A/C 155870694 - please quote your name when depositing
• Entry to the pool is $7.00, concession $6.30 and spectator $2.50 payable on the day.
• Refreshments will be provided afterwards (cost included in meet entry).
Entries close on Thursday Night (training) 12th March. Enter by either:
Email Captain John with your choice and nominated time to or
Fill out your details on the entry form available in the cage at training on Thursday or Tuesday nights.
Click Here to see the flyer with all the event details.
Remember: All LiveLighter Club Challenge Series events are eligible for Club Points - GO MANNAS!