2020 Busselton Jetty Swim Results

The 2020 SunSmart Busselton Jetty Swim was held on Sunday 9th February, in conditions that for the early solo swimmers were close to ideal and a little tougher for the later solo and mile swimmers. Starters were greeted to a sunny morning, with a clear blue sky and a cool south-south-easterly (offshore) breeze. Conditions were conducive to the setting of a swag of PB's.
Young local swimmer Kyle Lee in 39:41 came close to beating Rhys Mainstone's record from last year of 39:35.2, which was also the first sub 40 minute swim ever. Jamie Bowler beat her record with an impressive 42:48. Past member Rebekah Weller was the second female overall in 43:07.
This year, a team of 38 Mannas entered the solo swim, as well as Tracey, Pauline and Linda in the "Mile" swim (starting near the end of the jetty and swimming back to shore). Making a total of 41 Mannas swimming and that is not including many past members and friends of the club who swam.
Organisers experimented with a "Rolling Start", which proved popular in that it eliminated some of the crowding and hustle & bustle of a mass wave start. On the down side, it left swimmers in the later waves and events standing around in the cold breeze for a long time.
The Mannas Solo and Mile results are shown in the table below. For a different perspective, they are sorted on Gender and Time Behind Age Group Winner; i.e. how far behind each swimmer was to the winner in their age group. Sorry if anyone is missing. Click Here to see the full results. * indicates past members, mile swimmers have a yellow background and those with swim aids have a blue/grey background.

Well done to Pauline for being 1st in her Age Group. First Solo Manna "out of the water" was Sue J in a very catching pair of pink and white patterned bathers. Congratulations to young Jack on being the second Solo Manna (and first male) "out of the water". Well done Tracey for being the first Manna out of the water in the Mile swim.
Among many notable swims: Anne-Marie kindly swam as a companion for a disabled swimmer; Mark knocked 14 minutes off his previous swim; Brett J knocked 6 minutes off last year's swim; Jane knocked 5 minutes of her time last year; and Paul J who, post-swim, knocked 18 minutes off his initial time of 1:34 and got it down to 1:16??? Others making significant improvements, included: Helen, Ross, Peter, Guy, Steve F, and Brett M.
Congratulations to first-time soloists and to all those who set PB times.
A very special thank you to the many Mannas, family and friends who came to support the swimmers both on the water and at the many social gatherings over the weekend.
Fantastic effort everyone!!