2020 Mandurah Australia Day Swim

The 2020 Mandurah Australia Day Swim was our biggest event yet with 277 swimmers enjoying ideal weather and swimming conditions. Even better, a pod of curious dolphins escorted the field with several swimmers recounting memorable close encounters (see short video).

The focus for 2020 was fun, family and friendship. After registration, everyone gathered for the singing of the National Anthem before heading off to the beach.
The first event was the Alcoa 250m Try It Swim, which was watched by several hundred swimmers and specatators. Shortly, thereafter two waves of the 2km swim and one wave of the 1km swim were off. The large crowd of spectators enjoyed Barb Pellick's commentary and interviews with the winners and local swimmers.
Congratulations to Rottnest Record Holder Soloman Wright and Rocky Rays Lyle Kildea for being the first male and female over the line in the 2 km swim, respectively. For the 1km swim, Perth City had a clean sweep with Paul Blackbeard and Natalie Taylor taking out overall first male and female, respectively. From a Mandurah Masters perspective, congratulations to Sue Johnston in the 2 km swim and in the 1 km swim to John Cahill as they both took out 1st in their respective age groups.

After the swim, it was great to see so many swimmers and spectators relaxing in the shade, wearing their Mandurah Australia Day Swim T-shirt, enjoying a Sausage Sizzle and the prize ceremony.
Thanks to all the swimmers, families, friends and spectators for making the day so enjoyable. Well done Mandurah Masters members. As always, you cant help feeling enormous pride in our club when you watch all our hard working members and their families come together as a team to put on such a successful event.
A special thank you to our sponsors: City of Mandurah, Alcoa Australia and Bendigo Bank.
To see more photos Ivan and John took, Click Here