President's Prattle - December 2019

What a wonderful time of the year to be a swimmer. Those going to the pool must surely be enjoying the sunny conditions and those swimming at Doddi’s have been coming out of the water very pleased they made the effort. Though on several occasions, it has been a challenge for some with the wind and cool water. With the big summer swim events coming up it has been good to see swimmers encouraging each other and showing their more competitive spirit.
This Saturday 7th December is the club’s Christmas picnic lunch at Doddi’s Beach following the much anticipated Doddi’s Dash and Fashions on the Foreshore Parade. Hopefully you can make it down there for the morning activities and stay for a BBQ lunch. Click Here for details of the day.
The first of the Master’s WOW swim series was held at Lake Leschenaultia with ten Mannas making the journey there. Conditions were ideal for a very pleasant swim. The next WOW swim in the series is the Freo Port Swim on Saturday 14 December. Already ten Mannas have entered the 1.6km or 3.2km swims.
Details of upcoming swims are always on our Web Page and it does pay to enter early to avoid missing out. The upcoming inaugural Port Bouvard Surf Life Saving Club swim “Cut to Club “ on 18 January is a perfect example. So far there are 54 entries (capped at 300!) and 27 of these are club members. This will be a great training swim in preparation for the Busselton Jetty Swim. Of course, dont forget to enter our own Mandurah Australia Day Swim.
For swimmers keen on pool competition the 2020 State Swim will be held in Mandurah over the weekend of 4th & 5th April 2020. So far we have been asked to set up the venue and run the Marshalling aspect of the carnival as well as provide an Announcer. We will keep you informed of planning arrangements as they come to hand.
It is now time to renew your membership for the 2020 year. This can be done via the Masters Swimming Website. This year we finished with a total of 107 members, all joining for a variety of reasons. Hopefully we will see you all back again next year.
For those of you who haven’t had enough swimming, there will of course be many at Doddi’s on New Years Day swimming between one and ten laps!
If I don’t see you before Xmas, I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and best wishes for the new year.