Volunteers with Working With Children Cards needed to help on Australia Day

Mandurah Australia Day Swim is again offering the "Alcoa 250m Try It Swim" for swimmers aged 8 years and up and novice swimmers, no matter their ability. This is in addition to the children from 11 and 12 years of age and up who can enter our 1km and 2km swims.
To ensure we comply as best we can with requirements for working with children (WWC), we are seeking help from members with current WWC cards to assist children entered in our swims. We don't foresee volunteering will prevent you from entering and swimming. Ideally, we need WWC volunteers to help with marking swimmer numbers, marshalling, water safety, and possibly as swimming chaperones, if parents or guardians are unable.
Whilst this may be be seen as another burden for our Club, aren't we fortunate (together with the assistance of our Sponsors, such as: Alcoa, City of Mandurah and Bendigo Bank) to be able to provide the wider community an opportunity to participate in open water swimming in a safe and controlled environment.
If you have a current WWC Card and are able to help on the day, please tell Steve Ferguson, phone or text him on 0414 359 402 or email at stephenaferguson1@gmail.com.