2019 Doddi's Dash - Form Guide Ver 1.0

Entries for Western Australia's premiere open water swim are now open. Interestingly, we have also had a lots of entries for Doddi's Dash.
If Doddi's Dash was held during the week, no doubt it would be made a statuory public holiday. Fortunately, this year, it is scheduled for Saturday 7 December, hence we are expecting an even bigger crowd.
This form guide provides irrevalent information on paid up nominations that organisers have received and should have rejected. If you haven't entered yet, please hurry to secure your place in history and a chance at winning the coveted Barb Pellick Golden Goggles.
Remember all of your $10 entry fee goes to charity.
2019 Doddi's Dash Field
Track: Shallow

1 Steve - Handicap: TBA
THE Doddi’s Dash Virgin has been waiting to reach his prime – PRESSURES ON!
This Darling of the BP stables is also known as:
“Financial Controller”,
“Computer Bitch”,
“MADD Manager”,
“DD Steward”,
“Form Guide Analyst”
and “Mr. 110%” (Sadly, good training comes with a domestic cost😉 Where is your 110% effort here?)
No stranger to open water swimming due to his covert winter training across the European Continent. This stallion cannot be weighed down or handicapped sufficiently.

2 Joel – Handicap: TBA
Past placings: DNS, DNS & NTR Not swimming much, but putting much more effort into his swimming than being Club VP. Looking to to improve on his best performance of "No Time Recorded". Smart enough to slow down and not pass handicapper when swimming at Doddi's, but cant help passing every other swimmer he races against in the pool and OWS events.

3 Glenda – Handicap: TBA
Past placings: 18th, 17th & 19th Last year's fastest finisher with an elaspsed time of 17:31. Recent form on the improve. Despite consistent performances, yet to raise a sweat. Could be in the money if gets angry enough!

4 Cathy – Handicap: KEN
Past placings: 17th, 27th & 10th The "Grange" of the field - continues to improve year after year. Did not look out of place racing on the European circuit in Pink. Connections plan to race her on the Indonesian circuit next winter. Training the house down. Swimming PBs every event she enters. Definitely one to watch!

5 Ken – Handicap: TBA
Past placings: 3rd, 26th & DQ The "Stones Green Ginger Wine" of the field - bearable in small amounts. Raced extensively in Europe this winter. Successful at winning awards, but not for swimming. Has improved out-of-sight accordingly experts (who are also patients at the Lions Eye Institute). Not even highly fancied by Cathy!

6 Erica – Handicap: TBA
Past placings: 19th, DNS & NTR No time recorded last year - got in with a bad crowd. Another who has raced extensively in Europe over the winter. Classy mare, but frustrated at having to take it easy this year, after coming back early from injury and over training/racing last year. Mind you even when taking it easy she is by far the fastest in the field.

7 Craig – Handicap: TBA
Past placings: DNS, DNS & 11th
Should have been DQ'd last year as his time of 17:54, while impressive, was for running and not swimming around the course. Good samaritan, fisherman and skipper. Sucks at building Bingo machines. Lies about not being able to swim and likes a beer!

8 Deborah – Handicap: TBA
Past placings: 8th, 24th & NTR No time recorded last year as she was mistaken for Mary Poppins by timekeeper. In Australia, on a short stop over from never ending holidays.
Raced extensively in Greece this year and when in Australia enters every event on the calendar. Is building an impressive CV of swimming records. Unbackable favourite for "Fashions on the Foreshore".

9 Trevor – Handicap: TBA
Past placings: 6th, 12th & 27th
Enjoying being pain free after knee surgery earlier this year. Prefers mountain bikes, but in the water can mix it with the best. Often chooses not too put in; otherwise, he would already have a pair of golden goggles.

10 Narelle – Handicap: TBA
Past placings: 30th, 9th & 21st
Raced in Greece in pink cap, skin tight black rubber with blue hands and feet. One of the darlings of Wednesday's B2B sessions, where she is working on improving what is a near perfect stroke. May need a pre-race Raki or two to see her at her best.

11 Colleen – Handicap: TBA
Past placings: 2nd, 13th & Scratched
Late scratching last year. Dedicated swimmer on the improve. In winter, she trains exclusively in the pool, but goes to Doddi's where she shrewdly studies the opposition from shore looking for weakness to exploit. May go one better than inaugural swim.

12 Sue – Handicap: TBA
Past placings: 21st, 31st & 6th
Races exclusively in yellow when overseas. Performances have improved since she has gotten in with a bad crowd. Likes her wine cold and men hot. Definitely in with a chance this year - swipe left!

13 Pauline – Handicap: TBA
Past placings: 42nd, 18th & 4th
Evergreen mare. Been there, done that and has the T-shirts and medals to prove it. Can be seen everyday at the pool with training partner Karen. When not swimming, cycles 5000 kms a week. Definitely, back to her best both in and out of the water. My favourite!

14 Karen – Handicap: TBA
Past placings: DNS, DNS & 33rd
Gave an excellent speech at United Nations about Doddi's Dash. Gave up work to take DD seriously this year. Training everyday with Pauline. Expected to be mixed up at the finish!

15 Barb – Handicap: TBA
Past placings: classified
Head trainer at BP stables, with many fancied starters in this year's event. Ticked off 30 Rotto crossings and has swam extensively in Europe this winter despite veterinary advice that she should be put out in the back paddock. Looking at radical medical options to extend swimming career and fulfill plans to race in Indonesia next winter. Will oversee handicapping for this year's event.

16 Peter – Handicap: TBA
Past placings: 1st, 28th & 13th
Inaugural winner! Another who has raced in Europe during the winter, where he did his best swimming backstroke. Should be over Golden Goggles blues and pressure of high expectations that have dogged him for the last two years.

17 Sue – Handicap: TBA
Past placings: 7th, 3rd & NTR
Prefers tandems to doing it on her own (who doesn't?). Earned a No Time Recorded last year for being one of the ring leaders in last year's shinaniggins. Not a competitive person - unless wet. Will keep Erica and Guy company at the start.

18 Kirk – Handicap: TBA
Past placings: DNS, 8th & 15th
At a slight disadvantage as this is not an event where drafting will help. You may have seen his younger brother on TV advertisements. Canadians are known to be some of the most polite, tactful, and peace-loving human beings on the planet, but don't expect Kirk to ask permission to pass you.

19 Jen RB – Handicap: TBA
Past placings: 34th, 21st, & DNS
Part of the club youth policy. Very fast in chlorinated and salt water, but faster still eating all the food at Committee Meetings. Has been tanking all year pretending to be coming back from injury so as to get a good handicap! Lol!

20 Ann – Handicap: TBA
Past placings: 33rd, 32nd & 9th
If put in the same time and effort into swimming as babysitting grandchildren, she would be club champion. Technically sound thanks to training with BP stables. Races in Yellow when in Europe where she peformed well above expectations.

21 Helen – Handicap: TBA
Past placings: 35th, 10th & 22nd
Recent photo shows her reaction when she found out she was in foal. Mare and foal both doing well! Another fast improver from BP stables. Takes Valium and Baileys on race day to calm nerves. Expecting a podium finish.

22 Anna – Handicap: TBA
Past placings: DNS, 25th & 29th
Liked last year's course with no seaweed or reef in play. Due a big performance if she can transfer ability in pool to the DD. Seems to spend a lot of time sitting in the grandstand at MARC waiting for her daughter, when she could be swimming as well.

23 Guy – Handicap: TBA
Past placings: 24th, 23rd & DNS
Trained actor and swimmer. You cant believe anything he says, except when his swimming does the talking. Recently has been tanking to make handicapper look good and that is completely fine. Those in know will not draft behind him.

24 Marta – Handicap: TBA
Past placings: DNS, 36th & DNS
Tough tough mare! Raced in well Europe despite having pneumonia until eventually scratched for failing pre-race veterinary check. Some tipsters think training at BP stables has been disrupted by too many holidays; however, unable to get comment on the fairness of that criticisim from Marta as she is on holiday!

25 Jan – Handicap: TBA
Past placings: 28th, DNS & DNS
Doubles as club pin up girl and hard core mare. Has swum the Doddi's track once or twice before. Was off scratch in the inaugural event, but is much improved and will definitely not have that honour this year. If she doesn't lose her goggles, should be in with a chance.

26 Ray - Handicap: TBA
Past placings: 32nd, DNS & DNS
Served as Safety Officer last year, but will race this year. Strong swimmer in high demand as Rotto team mate, less so since turning blonde. Raced in Qld early in the year and has shown improving form since returning. Johnny Weissmuller "head-up" style will suit finding the best path through the field. Worth at bet!

27 Paul – Handicap: TBA
Past placings: 14th, 17th & 25th
Topped off a great season last year with Rotto crossing. On the come back after an enforced spell. Flying under the radar this year. Handicapper has received reports that he is often seen coming and going from covert training sessions at pool. Likes a chat.

28 Phil – Handicap: VERN
Past placings: DNS, DNS, & 32nd
2018 winner of the DD Most Leisurely Swim. Taking 2019 DD much more seriously. Starting show the benefit of hiring a top coach and being extremely well trained. If off scratch, and remembers to roll, kick and bilateral breathing - will be hard to beat.

29 Vern – Handicap: TBA
Past placings: DNS, DNS & 30th
Being the only Wave 1 swimmer from the club in last year's Jetty to Jetty cannot be ignored, nor can his less than flattering commentary on the handicappers attempts at learning to eskimo roll. Claims to be a nice person, but no witnesses have come forward. The word that comes to mind is "Karma".

30 Linda – Handicap: TBA
Past placings: 22nd, DNS & 18th
Cold water specialist. Do not believe anything she says after swimming, as normally has hypothermically induced insanity. Could feature if her habit of starting halfway down the course goes unnoticed.

31 Greg – Handicap: TBA
Past placings: 38th, 7th & DNS
The serious training regime has not gone unnoticed. Nor has that DD is just a small part of a big 2019/20 OWS seasons, which includes: Blackwood Marathon, Port to Pub and Lake Argyle. Should expect to start at the back with the rest of the heavy hitters.

32 Ross – Handicap: TBA
First time entered
Highly regarded gelding from Armadale stables. Has adjusted well to seaside living and the more relaxed racing on a new track and under new trainer. Has potential if could be bothered to train, but that is unlikely. Another who has signed up for some big events. Not fooling anyone.

33 Michelle – Handicap: TBA
Past placings: 39th, 22nd & DNS
Where is Michelle? To say that she is lightly trained is a gross exaggeration. Travels extensively during winter, spring, summer and autumn. Training regime consists of the occaisonal cramming and coffee session at B2B on a Wed and riding past Doddi's.