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Blockbuster Bash at Bogan Bingo!

The Club's Bogan Bingo night, held at Tide's Cafe in San Remo last Friday the 4th October, was a huge success. A thoroughly enjoyable fun night out. When organising any gathering of nearly 50 bogans there is always an extremely high risk of fighting, swearing, drunkiness and general anti-social behavour. Thankfully, the organisers were not disappointed as we witnessed the full gamit of bad behaviour, which is not surprising knowing the attendees.

Dressing up as a bogan played to the "strong suit" of most there. A few did some prudent shopping to acessorise existing outfits, while others didn't need to dress up at all and came as they were. Best dressed prizes went to Jenny and Ken, who came as they were!

The night ran like clockwork under the banton of MC extradonaire Steve C. Steve is such a professional, no one noticed that he had never ran Bingo Night before - or maybe just once when he started calling games after all the pencils had been collected. Between rounds of Bingo we were all entertained by "old school" hijinks like: heads and tails, air guitar and dancing competitions, quiz questions and blind auctions. Prizes were being awarded left, right and centre; although, the quality of prizes was hit and miss. I know Phil will cherish the empty Gin bottle he won and Gary's prize of electric hair clippers may not see much use and stay in pristine condition.

Not only was the night about Fun and Friendship, the generosity of those attending helped raise funds for Pat Thomas House in Mandurah which provides shelter and support for victims of family violence. A very worthy cause indeed. We should know the final total of funds raised as soon as Glenda gets her spreadsheet together. Well done Mannas!

Thank you to Glenda and her sub-committee for putting in the enormous amount of work necessary to make this such a successful night. Thank you to Steve C whose well lubricated performance was right up there among his best. With microphone in hand, he has the rare ability to make a great night even better. A big thanks to Craig for his Bingo Bottle Top machine, which like most bogan built machines - malfunctioned on first use. Fortunately, it could be operated manually. Thank you Ivan for taking the photos. Thank you to Greg for volunteering to find sponsors to donate prizes. Last of all, thank you to Tides Cafe for putting up with this lot.

The next big club social/swim event will be the trifecta of Fun, Fitness and Friendship that is "Fashions on the foreshore/Doddi's Dash/Christmas Picnic" on Saturday the 7th December. Stay tuned for more details.

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