Busselton Jetty Entries Open 1 Oct

Entries for the SunSmart Busselton Jetty Swim 2020 open 1st October at 5am!
Swimmers can choose from:
Solo Swim : 3.6km around the iconic Busselton JettyTeam Relays
A team of 2 or 4 and make a day of it with friends, family or workmates
One Mile - Swim to Shore : swimmers will enter the water near the end of the jetty and swim to shore, a distance of 1.6km
1 mile. Swim
Kids Swim : our younger swimmers can also get involved with the festivities with our 222m swim around the outside of the Swimming Jetty.
Last year, it didn't take long for them to be completely filled - so don't leave it too long to enter and book your accommodation.