RELAY FOR LIFE - Doddi's Sausage Sizzle Fund Raiser - Sat 5 October 2019

Relay For Life is a community fundraising challenge raising vital funds for cancer patients. As part of that challenge Sue J is running an "After-Swim" Sausage Sizzle on Saturday morning 5 October 2019 at Doddi's Beach.
Sausage Sizzles will be available for $3.00 each and any donations will be gratefully accepted.
What a great cause for Mandurah Mannas swimmers to get behind. Even if you are not up to a Spring time dip, come down and have a coffee, sausage and a chat.
See you there! (Hung-over Bogans are welcome!)
For those interested, follow this link for more info on the Peel Mandurah Relay for Life to be held on 26-27 October 2019.