President's Prattle - February 2019

Congratulations again to all who were in Busselton last weekend, either swimming or supporting on the sidelines. We swimmers appreciate your support before and after the swim so thank you. The conditions were good and 98% of swimmers were very happy with their effort. Hopefully, after this weekend, Doddi’s Beach swimming will return to normal!
Good luck to all involved this weekend in the Rottnest Channel Swim. It is shaping up to be a big day with: Barb going for her 30th; Steve F and Wendy attempting their first crossing; Glenda daring anybody to suggest she leave the water for any reason; and Sue J, Erica, and Jodie getting in to do it all again (because they can!). Three members Paul J (and daughter), Ray and Joel are our reps in the team’s event. You have all put in an amazing amount of training and preparation over the past few months and deserve the success that will come your way. There is a large support crew going across either on the boats, paddling or catching the ferry across to welcome you in.
Our AGM is on next Wednesday at 7.00 pm in the Club rooms at MARC. Please come along, we need to get our new Constitution passed by members and need a quorum present to do so. Unfortunately, absentee or postal votes are not allowed! There will be free pizza and drinks after so come along and also see who are the Award winners are for the 2018 year.
Also coming up is our annual LLCC Pool Carnival. This year it is being held on Sunday 7th April and Steve Crake has taken on the task of coordinating the carnival. Thank you, Steve. This is a very popular event for swimmers from other clubs and I have no doubt we will once again put on a very successful carnival.
If you want to take advantage of purchasing a new club shirt for $10 cheaper please contact me. If we order 6 or more at one time the embroidery is cheaper. Sizes can be tried on at Hot Klobba.
I look forward to seeing you in the water either at the pool or the beach