Thank you Volunteers

The 2018 Fashion on the Foreshore, Doddi's Dash and Club Christmas Picnic held on Sunday 9 December was a huge success. All the details about the day will be published on the website as soon as the results have been doctored, photo's have been airbrushed and videos production completed.
However, the day would not have been the success it was without the selfless and untiring work of many volunteers. As a club we are blessed with numerous members who don't even need to be asked to help - they just offer, need no instructions, turn up and work their magic putting the event together. Accordingly, when the rest of us arrive for a swim and to enjoy themselves, everything is organised and runs like a well oiled machine!
You might not realise, but for 60 to 70 of us to have such an enjoyable day takes the hard work of 20 to 30 volunteers, many of whom forgo swimming. So on behalf of all Mannas, a big thank you goes to:
The Venue team: Thank you Life Members Gerry, Graeme and Wayne for picking up all the marquees, tables and BBQ's, getting down there hours before anyone else, reserving our spot and setting up before anyone arrives. These three guys have been the backbone of our Club forever. But let's not forget the able assistance provided by workers: Joel, Steve C, Brett, Rob, Ray, Greg, Ann and others who assisted them.
The Course team: Thank you to Ray and Steve F who stripped down to their budgies and waded out into waist deep water to set up the Start/Finish and Turn buoys, as well as Greg for retrieving them after the event. Thank you to Graeme for his thoughtfulness in bringing down his ladder to try and keep Des as dry as possible.
Master of Ceremonies: Steve C - the Club's "goto" man to handle the microphone. Steve set the scene, kept us amused and the day moving smoothly with his sparkling wit and great sense of fun. Also well done Pres. Deb for picking and bringing down our PA system (or one that looked very much like it!)
Paparazzi: A big thank you to Lyn for coming out of retirement and using an unfamiliar camera. Thank you to Greg on video for recording the great day with commentary. Thank you both for being prepared to get wet in the line of duty. It should be noted that Lyn stepped in at the last minute to help Club Photographer Ivan who was limited to taking photographs from one location, but still managed to get some great photos. And let's not forget, video guru Barb P for bringing down her GoPro for Greg to use and putting the video together.
The Fashionesta team: Thank you Pres. Deb and Helen for coming up with all the novel prize categories, then spending hours buying and wrapping prizes. Not to forget Sue Giles who joined them on the Judging Panel and the man on the microphone - compere Kirk for introducing each act.
The Doddi's Dash team: Handicappers Steve F and Barb P for getting it mostly right. Registration team of Barb P and Sue J for organising all the swimmers into some semblance of order. Start Finish officials, Des and Rob who stood in waist deep water with waves breaking over them for 20 mins at the start and another 20 mins at the finish recording the time for each swimmer.
Safety was in the capable hands of Ray, who organised and charged radios and patrolled the beach during the swim with the kind help offered by Mellissa's husband Eric and their children Jamie and Jemma - all qualified lifeguards. Speaking of qualified life guards, thank you to Grainne on paddle board and Thomas who were also on hand just in case. Well done Ray for organising the Helicopter flyover before the start!
A big thank you to fruit ladies: Lyn and Ian for cutting up all the fruit for the swimmers to enjoy after the Dash.
The Christmas Picnic team: Thank you to everyone who brought a salad to share - the variety, quantity and quality were amazing. Thank Marta for organising the sweets, plates, etc.
What about Santa Jenny? Wasn't she amazing! Arguably the best Santa the Club has every had, certainly the Santa with the best legs. Thank goodness her "reindeer" paddlers John and Kirk didn't get blown out sea and delivered her safe and sound. I especially liked that Santa shared a little secret about each of us who lined up for a kiss and present.
Doddi's Dash Sub-committee: Last of all thank you to Pres. Deb, Steve F, Marta and Helen for all the planning and organisation needed to make the day the success it was.
Well done everyone!
Stay tuned for all the photos, details of the day and lowdown on the winners and grinners - coming soon!