Mandurah Club Records on Display at MARC

Recorder Helen has been busier than a cross-eyed traffic controller collating and sticking the Club Records on our Record Board at the back of the MARC outdoor pool grandstand. It is a testament to the fantastic swimmers in this Club that most of the 1290 rectangles have been filled with stickers.
For those into the finer details of Club Records, the board displays as many records as we could fit. Thus, for events 400 m and longer, only the fastest short or long course swim time is displayed. Unfortunately, we could not fit some records for longer swims (e.g. 800 and 1500 Fly) or Endurance time based records such as 30, 45 and 60 min swims. The plan going forward is to update the records periodically, but not less than annually.
Next time you are at the pool, please stop and have a look for your name. If it is not there, what better opportunity to look for a time that is missing or some that you could beat! (Janet your age group is wide open - start swimming!)
This has been a huge job - Well done and thank you Helen on behalf of us all!