President's Prattle - November 2018

Now we finally have the warmer weather here, there has been lots happening at Mandurah Masters.
The Open Water Swimming season has begun. Alexis swam 2.5km, while Steve F, Glenda and Erica all successful completed a quick 5km swim at Leighton on the 3rd of Nov. Good luck to Glenda, Erica, Steve F and Guy who have a 10km Rotto qualifying Swim at Coogee on Sat Nov 24.
The Masters WOW open water series kicked off at Lake Leschenaultia on Nov 11th. See the write up on the club website (kindly done by Steve F). The next WOW swim is the Freo Fins swim on Saturday 8th December at South Beach.
On the home front, preparations are well underway for the Doddi's Dash/Christmas lunch on Sunday the 9th of December, as well as our Australia Day Swim. If you haven't entered either event there is still time to do so, especially if you want to be included in the Doddi's Dash Form Guide with your most flattering photo! Two weeks ago we were fortunate to have Councillors Matt and Peter Rogers come down to Doddi's to get a first hand look at how a typical Saturday morning swim unfolds. Thanks to Paul Jacklin who extended the invitation and hosted the pair. Paul has been in discussion with the council regarding seating near our club tree, which will have benefits for us if and when it goes ahead. You may have heard talk regarding a new Club polo shirt and jacket, this is true and some if you may have seen me wearing mine at Fremantle or the beach. It compliments the existing polo shirt, which is still available if so desired. We are currently getting costs from Hot Klobba and when I return from my current travels a price list and details how to order them will be put on the website for you.
Let me tell you, I would pay thousands of Thai Baht to be able to jump in at Doddi's today, It is so hot here! With the warmer weather hopefully we will see some of you return to the pool or beach to resume your swimming. I look forward to seeing you. With more people doing 'laps' at Doddi's and starting at various times, it is timely to remind everyone to please try and do a clockwise lap; i.e. swim close to shore on the way to the Reef and out further closer to the buoys on the way back.
The committee has just heard that recently one of our members was hospitalised with kidney issues after a pool event, due to not drinking enough water. With members starting to up their training please keep yourself well hydrated before and after swimming. Enough reminders to you all, just keep swimming to achieve your summer goals!