Girls dominate Lake Leschenaultia Swim
Maida Vale Masters hosted Round 1 of the MSWA WOWSwims 2018/19 Open Water Swim Season at Lake Leschenaultia in Chidlow on Sunday 11 November 2018. This year saw record 244 entries, including a Mandurah Mannas team of 17 swimmers and 2 supporters.
In ideal conditions, everyone had a great swim with many PB's set. Despite the boys swimming well, the Manna girls absolutely trounced them. Not only did the girls significantly out number boys, but:
Helen was 5th in her Age Group, while John could only manage 6th
Glenda and Deb, left Ken and Wayne in their wake in the 3.2km swim
Jenny came very close to beating Steve out of the water and picked up first in her Age Group in the process, as well as closest to her nominated time
Narelle did beat Steve out of the water
Cathy swam faster than Ken
Girls won most of the prizes
Congratulations to new member Paul in his first OWS. Well done to Deb for feigning cramp to get attention from the St John Paramedics.
Importantly, Doddi's Dash handicappers were watching. At this rate, the girls will be starting well after the boys.
After the swim, everyone enjoyed more of a banquet than a picnic lunch. There was so much delicious foods, well done. That only left the pub crawl home. However, it was difficult to generate enthusiasm for this, especially with so many Mannas asleep in the car on the way home.
A big thanks to Hazel for the great photos.
Click Here to see the Bluechip Results or see the summary of Mandurah swims in the Table below.

The next opportunity for the boys to make amends is Round 2 of the Wowswims - Freo Ports Swim Thru on 8 December, Click Here for more details.
See you at the start line!