2018 Doddi's Dash - 9 Dec - Call for Nominations

Mandurah Masters Swimming Club officially invites all member fillies, colts, mares, stallions and geldings to nominate for the running of the 2018 Doddi's Dash on Sunday 9th December - the race that stops a small section of Halls Head!
For those new to the Club, Doddi's Dash is a 1 km Handicap Race, where the faster you can swim the later you start. Conversely, the slower you swim (or more money you pay the handicappers) the bigger the head start you get on the rest.
This year all the festivities will take place from a base on the foreshore at the Robert Point (west) end of Doddi's Beach, Halls Head Parade, Halls Head.
Doddi's Dash will only be one part of a trifecta when too much fun, fitness and friendship is never enough! The cherry on the cake is this year we hope to raise even more money than last year to donate to charity.
Starting with fun, the "Fashions on the Foreshore"

parade will be run prior to the Dash.
Arguably, more hotly contested than the Dash. Members have the opportunity to dress up or dress down and parade in front of an expert panel of fashion judges. The theme for costumes this year is the letter

After the fashion parade, comes fitness or lack thereof. It's gear off or gear on for the Doddi's Dash and honour of winning and adding your name to the Barb Pellick Pertual Golden Goggles Trophy (presuming Steve C will return the trophy from his pool room). This year we will be starting the Dash at the Reef, swimming in an clockwise direction east and around the pontoon to a buoy off the end of the Groyne, then turning for a sprint up the back the beach straight to finish the line at the Reef.
Also for the first time this year, spectators on the beach will be in the thick of it, standing and cheering arms length way from 40 to 50 superb swimmers jostling for position up the back straight and hopefully congregating in a photo finish through the 2 m wide finish line.
After the excitement of the Dash, all members, their families and friends are invited to join us for the Club Christmas Picnic Lunch on the foreshore. More details will follow, but I am sure Father Christmas will make an effort to be there again this year.

How to Enter
You can enter "Fashions on the foreshore" and/or Doddi's Dash by emailing the Club the events you would like to enter at mandurahmannas@gmail.com and paying your $10 entry fee (its $10 to enter both or either). There is no cost to come and watch or just attend the Christmas Picnic Lunch.
Remember 100% of your entry fee goes to charity. Please pay your entry fee into the Club Bank Account:
Mandurah Masters Swimming Inc.
BSB: 633 000
Acct: 155870694
Alternatively, you can give your $10 entry fee to Treasurer Steve or leave it in an envelope with our name and events in the Cage at the pool.
Nominations are open to Club members only. Late entries will be accepted on the day.
Upon receipt of your entry - your name, handicap and insightful comments on your recent form will be published in the official Doddi's Dash Form Guide on the Club website.
Looking forward to seeing as many members come along to this great day as possible!