City of Mandurah Change Name of Mandurah Yacht Club

Our good friend Sam Deters from the City of Mandurah Department of Recreation Services has written to the Club to inform us:
"... of the recent decision to change the name of the Mandurah Yacht Club to ‘Halls Head Parade Community and Sports Facility’.
Over the past few years, it has become apparent that the current facility name has no relevance as a “yacht club” since the Mandurah Offshore Fishing and Sailing Club was established in the marina.
Identifying the location of a community facility is important and the general practice for naming facilities is after their street or suburban location as this allows for improved identification of the facility by residents, Council staff, contractors, emergency services personnel and facility hirers.
In line with this approach, the City is renaming the Mandurah Yacht Club to the ‘Halls Head Parade Community and Sports Facility’. In the coming weeks, a new facility sign will be erected along with broader communication aimed at informing the community of the pending name change."