Coaching Roster Changes

We are fortunate to have an amazing team of 5 Coaches. However, due to a combination of work commitments, holidays and unforeseen events our coaching team will be somewhat depleted during the rest of September and October. Filling the void has necessitated Coach Des carrying a larger load, as well as given us an opportunity to call up Coach Kirk and Coach Ivan off the bench.
Coach Des has kindly offered to carry out all of the coaching roster positions until the 2nd October, with the exception of Thursday the 20th Sept when he is not available. Coach Des will then shoot off to swim and officiate at the Masters Games in Alice Springs, but will be back by in time to coach on the 1st November.
Coach Kirk has kindly offered to pick up the coaching positions on Thurs the 20th Sept, Thurs the 4th, Thurs the 11th, Tues the 16th and Thurs the 18th October. Using Des's programs, Coach Kirk will probably coach the program from in the pool.
Coach Ivan will coach Tuesday the 9th Oct.
Head Coach Mike will be back to coach the 23rd, 25th and 30th October.
A big thanks to Mike, Des, Kirk and Ivan for pitching in to get us through the next two months.