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President's Prattle - September 2018

Spring has arrived and it may be time to start thinking about any goals you want to set for the summer swimming season. If pool swimming is your fancy, there is training on Tuesday and Thursday nights, which starts at 6.15 pm. In addition, there is always a group at the pool on Sunday mornings. If you are planning to compete in some ocean swims, come down and join in at Doddi’s Beach. Over the winter months at the beach the swimmers have been ably looked after by Spotters Glenda and Steve F during the week whilst Colleen has kept watch over us on most Saturday mornings. A big thank you to them and also to the many other members who have helped out.

Australasian Police and Emergency Services Games (AP & ES GAMES)

As you are probably aware, Mandurah is hosting these games in November. We have been asked to hep out at the pool by providing Timekeepers for their pool Swim Carnival. Volunteers are needed on Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd November. It is anticipated to run from 9.00am – 2.00pm approx. if you can help out for a day or part thereof, please let me know. It would be great if we could help with those who do a lot for our communities.

Club Survey

A survey has been put together by the Club Committee and will be sent out soon. There are only 10 questions that cover all aspects of our club. We want to make sure we are catering for everyone’s needs. The survey is anonymous and should only take a few minutes to complete. Your participation will be very much appreciated.

Social Events

Thank you to Glenda for organising the recent Jarrahdale lunch event. Unfortunately, I couldn’t attend, but I heard it was very enjoyable. The next event is on Friday 28th September at the Mandurah Greyhounds where we are needed to support Marta and Gary’s greyhounds race. More information will be put on line as it comes to hand.

Pool Events

Thank you to Captain Jen who organised the Country Correspondence Carnival, which was held over three Sundays with one more to go. So far, twenty-eight swimmers have taken part which is a great turn out. Next Saturday four of us (Deborah, Jen C, Captain Jen and Sue Mac) are travelling to Bunbury for the SKINS Carnival. We are a bit unsure of how it works, but know we will enjoy the social side of it.

Club Records Board

You may have noticed the large blank board at the pool with our Logo on. Steve F and Helen have been super busy checking all set Short Course and Long Course Records going back to the Club's first events in 1994. Soon they will be entered up on the board. Thank you both for the time spent on this task.

Club Volunteers

Lastly, I want to thank Life Member Gerry for the work he has done with keeping our battery equipment charged. It is a constant ongoing job which Gerry has kept on top of. At the recent Committee meeting Joel volunteered to take over this role.

I hope to see you all soon either at the beach and/or pool.

Good things come to those who swim!


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