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President's Prattle - June 2018

Here we are nearly half way through the year. Time sure does appear to go fast when incorporating the Club's many opportunities to swim into your week.

If you need a bit of a challenge come down to the pool on a Sunday morning to do a timed swim. Click Here to read a Flyer outlining the Vorgee Swim Program that encourages swimmers to be timed for either 400m/800m or 1500m swims. Currently, these can be done on Sunday mornings. It may look complicated with the scoring system. A great way to start and keep fit during winter is just to do a couple of timed swims for your own interest. It is always good to mix up your training a bit, especially between major events.

Saying that, the next Pool Meet is the Golden Groper Relays at HBF Stadium on Saturday 4th August. Last year we fielded a large team that came second. Lots of fun was had by all. If you haven’t done a pool swim before, the relays are an easy way to start. I am sure Captain Jen will be calling for nominations very soon.

The ocean swimming at Doddi’s is still going strong. Although, I must say the conditions have been a bit dull lately. Personally, I find it more exhilarating when the conditions are a bit rougher. The hot showers after the swim have been a big hit with swimmers. Thanks to Gerry, Graeme and Joel who were behind the installation. Don’t forget to get yourself warm after swimming. I must say the comradeship shown by the girls to someone in need of warming up after a swim is fantastic. I was in that position last week, hot water bottles and clothes came from everywhere ensuring I was ‘warmed up’. I am sure the men would do the same for each other.

Planning has been underway for our 2019 Australia Day Swim and the committee has several new faces on it. Welcome to Ray, Cathy and Ken who I know will all make valuable contributions. I am sure under Steve’s direction another great swim will be organised for the Club.

Last week I attended a planning meeting for 2019 pool swimming events. There was an appetite for more LLCC swims, especially during the winter months. Ideas were put forward and now the committee will get the calendar out. It was noted the Nationals are earlier next year (late March), which means the States can’t be held before then – due to the Open Water Swims still being run. If you need an extra challenge perhaps start planning to go to the Adelaide Nationals in March 2019.

Socially lots has been happening. The 25th Anniversary Dinner was very successful. The slide show put together by Steve F and Ivan’s photos of the night are on our website News page and well worth a look. Thank you to both and, of course, to Glenda who coordinated the night.

Last Friday a group of supporters went back to Gloucester Park to cheer on Cott Beach. Hopefully we will see her racing again soon so a return trip can be made to Perth.

This Saturday night (30 June) there is a Soup and Bun night around a fire pit at Sue Giles place. Details are on the website. Come along and warm yourself up. If you are attending, please contact Glenda (0413 124 568).

There is still a steady stream of members departing for various Australian and overseas locations. We would love to see a photo on Facebook, if you get to have a swim whilst travelling!

Wherever you are during the next month, keep yourself safe and keep swimming.



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