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Great Afternoon at Cape Bouvard Winery

A hungry mob of Mannas assembled at Doddi's Car park just prior to 12:00 noon Sunday to catch the booze bus to lunch at Cape Bouvard Winery/Brewery. Another mob of Mannas, who lived closer or were not planning on getting hammered, made their own way.

Departure from Doddi's carpark was a little delayed as Ken & Cathy had a flat tyre on their way there. However, any delay was minimised by Ken's driving. His high speed entry into Doddi's carpark, on two wheels, was reminiscent of Daniel Riccardo's driving to win at Monaco.

A big thank you to our bus driver - Gearbox Sue! Sue kept both the bus and some badly behaved Mannas under control at all times.

If you haven't been to Cape Bouvard Winery, it may be worth a visit as it offers pleasant surroundings, good value food, wine and boutique beers.

As the photos show (thank you Ivan & Des), about 25 of us enjoyed the food and beverages on offer in warm surroundings on what was otherwise, for all intents and purposes, a winter's day. Good company, laughter and jovial conversations made for a most delightful afternoon.

Those that returned on the bus could not resist extending the fun by, subsequently, sharing coffee and hot chocolate at Doddi's Dome.

Thank you Glenda for organising another great social event and Sue Mac for driving the bus. As always, it certainly ticked the "Fun" and "Friendship" boxes.

Don't forget our 25th Anniversary dinner coming up on Friday night June 8 (All the details are on the website).

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