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President's Prattle - May 2018

Congratulations to the 14 swimmers who participated at last Sunday’s LLCC at HBF Stadium. Whilst it was very cold in the building we all warmed up quickly with some fast swims and lots of chatting. Mandurah came 3rd overall, which was a fantastic result considering we had a third less swimmers than the winning team Claremont. Highlights of the meet were Ivan taking out another State Record, this time for the 50 m Butterfly, and four out of the six Raffle prizes going to Mannas. Well done also to swimmers who competed in Butterfly and Individual Medley events for the first time. A special thank you to Cathy Isbister, Kim Bennett and Lyn McPhail who looked timekeeping for our lane throughout the carnival. Cathy spent all morning there assisted by Lyn and Kim.

The next pool swim will be the Groper Relays competition on the 4th of August at HBF stadium. Last year we fielded a very large team. Hopefully we can again this year. If you haven’t been to a pool event consider going as you may surprise yourself by swimming in events you hadn’t considered before!

With the colder weather comes the inevitable drop in the number of swimmers both at the beach and the pool; however, if you can’t get to a swim session we would love you to stay in touch by dropping in for a coffee or coming to one of the social events being organised over the winter months. The coming of winter also means we will be saying Bon Voyage to some who have plans to travel interstate or overseas. If this is you and you find a spot to swim, we would love to see a photo.

Talking of social events, it is not too late to put your name down for Sunday’s trip to the Cape Bouvard Winery/Brewer on Sunday afternoon 27 May (just contact Glenda 0413 124 568). On top of that, plans are also underway for the Club’s 25th Anniversary on Friday 8th June starting at 6.00 pm. It is shaping up to be a night of good food and high quality entertainment. Details for both events are on the Club’s website and Facebook pages.

Some people have been asking about the promised hot water at Doddi’s Beach after the swims. The plans are currently with the City of Mandurah and hopefully the outcome will be a favourable one for us. In the meantime, why not bring a hot water bottle down. Speaking from experience I can tell you it does work!



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