President's Prattle - April 2018

Well the “Nationals” are now over and congratulations to the fifteen Mandurah Mannas who competed. I am sure their results will be put on line soon but I have heard a big haul of medals from Gold to Bronze made their way back to Mandurah. Well done to all.
A competition of that size cannot run successfully without all the work done behind the scenes and we are all very proud of Erica, who recruited and coordinated the many volunteers needed. Fabulous effort Erica. I also want to reiterate Erica’s big thank you to the club members who gave up their time to assist over the four days.
Next year the Nationals are being held late March in Adelaide. Rumour has it there is a 3km or 1.5km ocean swim on the last day. Anyone planning to make the trip east?
The next pool event is the Stadium Snappers LLCC on 20th May, details are on the web page. If you missed the Nationals you may want to give it a go. There is a big range of events and distances to choose from.
The colder weather has slowly arrived which means of course that conditions at Doddi’s change. Already there have been several swims among the waves. All good fun. The pontoon has gone so we all need to be more mindful of sighting others when swimming. It is probably a good time for us to regroup and have one starting time (currently 8.00am) so the group can be seen more easily by the spotters on shore. If there is someone close to your swimming ability it is a good idea to swim with them where possible. If you feel the cold please take the appropriate precautions both when swimming and afterwards. Anyhow you all know the drill for ocean swimming …. Let’s have fun and enjoy, but look after ourselves and each other.
The committee has spent a lot of time discussing the Vorgee Program. In the next few days a Flyer will be coming out explaining what it is all about. Please have a read and decide if it is for you – especially during the cooler months in the pool.
Welcome to Sarah Denny who is our 99th member who is training for the upcoming half iron man event. Whatever we are doing to attract members, it is working!
I look forward to seeing you either at the pool, beach or at our next social function