2018 Melville Masters LLCC Results

Thanks to Head Coach Mike for this report on the Melville Masters LLCC held on Sunday 8 April 2018 at Leisure Fit Booragoon. Also thanks to Recorder Helen for providing the results and updating the Club Records.
Seventeen of our intrepid club members ventured north last Sunday to the Melville LLCC to do battle with around 185 swimmers using the meeting as a warm up to the Nationals that start next week on the 18th April. There were some excellent efforts put in by our swimmers with a number of new club records set and the Mandurah club eventually placing 3rd behind host club Melville and Claremont.
Ex-Pres Steve Crake promised to attend club training nights until he breaks Head Coach Mike’s new club record for the 50m butterfly. Time will tell how long this lasts.
We probably very nearly won the ‘feed your face’ stakes at the after meet luncheon but missed out because some of our swimmers had to leave early to get to the football.
Overall a great day was had by all and we wish our 15 members competing at the Nationals all the best in their events.
Click Here for results.
Click Here to view the club records set at the Melville LLCC. Based on his recent record breaking performances, no doubt Head Coach Mike should be expecting a visit from WADA with the Nationals coming up.
Click Here to view the latest version of our Club Long and Short Course Records.