2018 Australia Day Swim Info & Results

Overall 201 swimmers entered online and we received a further 28 late entries making a total of 229 entries, which was a 30% increase on last year. Slightly more women than men entered. Approx. 50% of swimmers entered the 2 km swim, 30% in the 4 km swim and 20% in the 1 km swim.
Click Here to view the Bluechip results.
For those interested, the table below provides an overview of the Masters clubs, to which many of the swimmers who entered online belong. Well done Mannas for such a good turn out considering so many of us were volunteering and didn't swim. A big thank you to all the other Masters clubs and swimmers for their support. Your continuing support each year is much appreciated. We also welcome so many entries from outside Masters swimming.

The following table shows age breakdown and travel distance for swimmers who entered online.

It was fantastic to see 10% of swimmers were 25 years or younger, while the rest were pretty evenly spread across the age groups typically represented by Masters swimming.
Our swim was well supported by local swimmers and thank you for participating. We certainly appreciate the extra effort many made to travel to Mandurah from Perth and regional areas further afield.
While the vast majority of swimmers were from WA, it is also pleasing to see that two were from Queensland and that we also had four overseas entries: one from Great Britain, one from Ireland and two from the Netherlands. Clearly, our swim's international profile is on the rise!