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President's Prattle - December 2017

Well, what a wonderful finale for the year’s swimming and social calendar with the highly successful “Doddi’s Dash”, rolling into our Christmas function. Although this double event was not our initial intention, it proved a winning formula. The weather was perfect, and we had an excellent turnout.

The day had many highlights, but the fashion parade is getting a momentum of its own, with some wonderfully imaginative outfits giving our judges a real challenge. There was a strong element of cross dressing, but this now seems more politically acceptable?? Thanks to all who took the time to add to this somewhat “bizarre” public spectacle….(we can only hope that what goes on at Doddi’s stays at Doddi’s).. I am sure we will be flooded with requests for membership as a result.

The “dash” was an excellent spectacle from the beach with 44 swimmers taking to the waters. Lead by Neil and Gerry early, the gauntlet was thrown out to Simon and Jenny to make up about 15 minutes. The fact that the “pack” hit the finish line closely bunched is testament to the thought put in by our handicappers. The fact that I won is testament to the enormous bribes paid, but that is another story. The fact that 3 of the first 4 swimmers were earlier seen dressed in “sapphire sequins” is somewhat disturbing. …what cosmic powers are in action there?? Well done to the few for whom salt water is not to their liking, but who still swam…brave efforts, and a great swim by all. Handicap events are a lot of fun.

Needless to say a massive thanks to Steve Fergy, and the big band of helpers, including: Sue J, John, Gerry, Graham, Wayne, Barb, Des, Kirk, Helen and the social helpers, Glenda, Sue and all the folk who provided the masses of salads. Apologies if I missed anyone, but all who helped ensured a great day. When Santa arrived it just put the cream on the cake for the day. (Who was that red man, and how did he know I wanted a women’s purse that would match blue sequins?)

Our next big event will be the Australia Day Swim, so get your entry in for that and have the date in your calendar so that even if you don’t swim you can assist in the day’s set–up and running. Our AGM will be soon after so look for the nominations to committee if you think you would like to help.

If you want to swim away the festive excesses there is usually a group that swim on New Years day to try to punish their bodies back into activity??

Best wishes for Christmas and the Festive season!

Keep Swimming and look after each other!

Steve C

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