Entries are Open for 2018 Mandurah Masters Australia Day Open Water Swim!

Online Registration is now open for the 2018 Mandurah Masters Australia Day Swim to be held on Friday 26 January 2018 at Doddi's Beach, Halls Head Parade, Mandurah.
What a great way to start your Australia Day long weekend!

Early Bird discount entries close on 31 December 2017, with the first 200 swimmers to enter receiving a FREE Australia Day Hand Towel!
Online entries close at 12:00pm on 25 January 2018. Late entries will be accepted on the day of the swim up to 8:00am.
The event offers the choice of three swim distances:
A 1 km solo swim, which is open to all swimmers from 11 years up
A 2 km solo swim, which is open to all swimmers from 12 years up
A 4 km solo swim, which is open to all swimmers from 12 years up
All swims are eligible for MSWA OWS swim points.
Click Here to go to the Australia Day Swim webpage where you can find out all the details and link to online entry.
It would be great if all the Mandurah members get on board to show their support for our own swim and enter ASAP!