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We came, We cleaned up & had a Sausage Sizzle to boot!

A big thank you to the 27 volunteers who assembled a the Robert's Point Car Park at 9:00am last Sunday morning for a free Polo shirt and pair of gloves - and of course, to pick up rubbish!

Under the masterful orchestration of Wayne our CoastCare Rep, we were superbly briefed and then divided into well chosen teams that each scoured a section of the beaches picking up all the rubbish from Janis St to Janis St (which is much further than it sounds!).

A few hours later we congregated back at the Robert's Point Car Park to be debriefed and to accurately log every piece of rubbish we had picked up. Analysing that important set of data will no doubt keep a public servant very busy, when they could otherwise be picking up rubbish!

Wayne then very generously showed his appreciation and cooked up an amazing sausage sizzle for all the volunteers.

The Club's participation in these Community projects is not only a way to give back to the Community, it is looked on very favourably when we seek help in the form of the sponsorship we need to run our Australia Day Swim and other Club activities.

Thank you Wayne and all those who volunteered their time!

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