5% of purchase price go to Mandurah Masters!

When next considering purchasing some swimming or sports gear, if you wish, have a look at the new AMART SPORTS shop in Pinjarra Road, cnr Lakes Road. If you join their loyalty program "Team Amart", you can nominate our club at the time of payment for goods, so 5% of your purchase price is set aside for the club to make a future purchase. This benefits the club as it can use the contributions to purchase prizes; e.g. for our Quiz Night or Australia Day Swim.
It costs nothing to join as a AMART SPORT loyalty member and the club benefits if you find a sporting item you need. When joining you can decline to receive their promotional emails. Click here to find the details of their loyalty scheme, as well as, a link to the terms and conditions.
There are often sales on brands or across the board. Recently there was a 20% discount on all sporting goods. If you are interested visit the store or have a browse on line at www.amartsports.com.au to see their current sale items.
AMART SPORTs are located in the shopping centre in Pinjarra Road on the corner of Lakes Road, where you see the Good Guys on the corner. AMART SPORTS are next to Beacon Lighting.