Full Results for Swan Hills LLCC!
Swan Hills Masters Swimming Club held their 2017 LiveLighter Club Challenge at the Swan Park Leisure Centre, Gray Drive, Midvale on Sunday 2 July.
Mandurah with only 16 swimmers (a good turn-out nonetheless), was second out of 12 clubs competing. The winning club was Claremont with many more swimmers than us.
A highlight was the recognition given to Gerda Williams for breaking the National 200m backstroke record and she was allowed to take first pick from the table of excellent raffle prizes.
Above are photos of Gerda with her prize, plus just a few other shots of our members soaking up the "The Three Effs" (Fitness, Friendship and Fun).
Word has it that Ivan broke a Butterfly state record, Anwar set a new state record for 50 Backstroke and Jeff a 200m Breatstroke state record.
Thanks to Thomas for timing all day!
Click here for the full results.