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President's Prattle - June 2017

Seems time to again ponder how we are travelling as a club. Our membership now sits around 90 members and makes us one of the larger Masters Clubs in the state. Looking at past activities there are many active members in this list.

We now boast a new World Champion after Gerda’s splendid efforts at this years World Championships. Certificates celebrating State records have been given to a number of swimmers including Anwar, Simon, John and a number of relays. Mike and Jenny were age winners at the States. Our top end continue to perform with excellence.

Coach Mike and Cap’n Jen arranged an excellent “relays” day that had a couple of dozen swimmers enjoying the glorious autumn day and swimming a mixture of relays. The grand battle of the sexes handicap event gave bragging rights to the “lasses”. All who took part had a top time. Keep your eyes out for further upcoming events on Sundays including participation in the Country Postal Carnival. Remember the last Sunday of the each month is morning tea at the pool.

Our social committee continue to keep active. We have a pizza night to follow training after the Thursday 15th June swim training, and Christmas in July fun at Quindanning Inne coming up. The “trots” night at Gloucester Park was a great night, made all the better as Pete and Barb’s horse came across the line first. The “great race” home by bus and train proved a dead heat, despite the two group’s divergent tactics. The bowls night was also well attended and a top night with some talent being shown.

On the relay morning, Mike , on behalf of the Committee and all club members presented Lyn McPhail with a small gift as a token of our appreciation for the great work she has done for over a decade in chronicling all of our activities. Her albums will be a precious history in years to come. Thanks Lyn once again from all of us!!

Despite the cooler weather, the ocean swims continue to be well patronised, with the wetsuits and elegant “uggies” coming out. Graeme’s hot water shower system is proving a hit, but sadly for us, he is off north soon for a while so back to the cold showers. We have had discussions with the City in the hopes of getting a hot water source in the upgrade to the Dodddi’s ablutions, but no final word on that as yet.

Pool training nights continue to be excellent training programs. Thanks is ongoing for our coaches efforts on this. Cap’n Jen and committee have put a little more structure around the Vorgee swim program, with timed swims now supported on Sunday mornings. A roster of committee will see official representation on each Sunday, following a training session with the committee on the swim rules, run by Des with support from Ken.

Well done to Pauline who won the Tri Clubs “volunteer of the year” award. It is not only our club that is blessed by the Wingate’s memberships. Well done Kirk who was an age group winner at the Tri Club awards night….aren’t our members clever??

Yep, I would say that we are a pretty active club, so…keep swimming and look after each other.

Steve C

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