Bunbury Skins Meet Postponed

Unfortunately, the Bunbury Skins Meet has been postponed from 17 June to 26 August, as per the following email from Julie O'Conner.
"On behalf of Bunbury Masters Swimming, I would like to sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused to anyone by the late notice of the change of date for our Skins event. Please let me know if anyone had booked accommodation that will cost money to cancel.
The issue was that MSWA was unable to supply sufficient officials willing / able to travel to Bunbury on the June 17 date. The late notice was presumably due to their continued efforts to solve the issue. Without sufficient officials, the event could not be sanctioned for records and would have been very difficult to run anyway.
This has highlighted to us the critical lack of officials that exist, so that too few people are taking too high a load. For the sake of the future of our carnivals, I am asking clubs (especially country clubs) to strongly encourage more members (and their partners) to become qualified officials. I will be encouraging MSWA to step up their efforts to get a greater pool of officials qualified for all positions as soon as possible.
At this stage, we have rescheduled to run on Saturday 26th August, with warm-up starting at 11:30, hopefully allowing people to leave for their return to Perth by around 4pm. We will try very hard to ensure that there is a bus, which should make it a really fun, low-pressure day out.
I will send out a revised flyer in due course, once officials have been confirmed."