President's Prattle - April 2017

What a disappointment that the new MSWA executive committee have seen fit to transfer the 2018 Nationals away from Mandurah to the usual central HBF stadium. Sitting on the sidelines to this decision making has been frustrating, but I sense the decision must now be accepted. It will be a point of discussion at the May Council of Clubs meeting. I believe that an opportunity has been missed here to focus on the “Object” of MSWA and concentrate on “Fitness, Fun and Friendship”.
I am pleased to report that the Committee has nominated our Life Member Gerry Green for this years Master’s Swimming WA “Perc Edwards: Volunteer of the year Award.” Gerry has been a consistent contributor to the Club since its inception and the work done since his Life Membership has not slowed down. We are grateful for his input and hopeful of another win in this category as he deserves it! (Wayne is a past winner and Ken a past national winner)
Following the wonderful gathering of our 42 swimmers to blitz our own Club Challenge, a number of members are taking part in this weekend’s State meet. Good luck to all taking part. I know you will represent us well and hopefully as well as Gerda at the World’s in the past couple of weeks.
Thanks to Ryan Spencer for his presentation on preparing for such meets. The coaches have taken on board much of what was said and will include in our training sessions. At short notice it was good to see many members taking advantage of Ryan’s expertise. Well done Cap’n Jen for organising.
The beach swimming continues to attract strong numbers, and we have already had a timely reminder of the possible impact of hypothermia. Continue to enjoy the ocean, but listen to your body and don’t overdo it. If a wetsuit keeps you swimming, then it is a great investment.
It seems amazing, but this weekend I think is one year from getting back into our new facilities. I thought our Club Challenge proved what a terrific venue we now have. I must thank the staff at MARC who have bent over to make our use of the pool a success.
Well done Glenda and Ken for the many Social opportunities that you are organising. Looking forward to the “Trots”. Peter and Barb’s horse carries a lot of expectations. It is always good to get together.
Well, Keep swimming and look after each other!
Steve C