Avoiding Hypothermia

At Doddi's autumn has heralded a spell of sunny but cooler days with lovely flat and clear water, with many days seeing swimming at its best. However, there is no doubt the sun is lower in the sky, the days are getting cooler (especially with the wind from the south) and the water a little colder each week.
It is probably a opportune time to remind everyone about the risks of hypothermia and how to minimise them. To this end, I draw everyone's attention to the educational material on our website about hypothermia, its symptoms, treatment and some practical recommendations on how to avoid getting hypothermia. Click Here to have a read.
We also would like to remind everyone that as a Club we discourage any thinking or light-hearted banter that discriminates between those swimming with or without a wetsuit. We simply recommend if you are not experienced and confident swimming in cold water; wear a wetsuit.
See you at Doddi's!