is 1 year old!

For those interested in statistics, we have had 9766 visits in the last 12 months at an average of 772 per month or 25 per day. Our busiest month was Jan 2017 with 1734 visits. People spend an average of 8 minutes on each visit to our site.
Our website's international popularity can be seen by the following breakdown of the number visits from each of 55 different countries:
Australia 8474
USA 173
Mexico 124
UK 56
Canada 55
Brazil 21
France 18
Switzerland 17
Philippines 16
Indonesia & Italy 15
Nigeria 14
Finland 12
Germany 11
Spain 10
India & South Africa 9
New Zealand 7
Benin, Portugal & Thailand 6
Egypt, Iran, Malaysia & Romania 4
Burkina Faso, Chile, Colombia, Poland & Vietnam 3
Croatia, Honduras, Japan, Norway, Saudia Arabia, Spain, South Korea & Togo 2
Argentina, Austria, China, Czech Republic, Ghana, Greece, Kasakhstan, Morocco, Nambia, Pakistan, Peru, Russia, Senegal, Serbia, Tunisia, Turkey & Ukraine 1
Not a bad start, but we can look forward to bigger and better things in the year to come!