Record breaking 2017 Mandurah LLCC
What a great meet!
What a great team of volunteers!
What a great team of swimmers!
The 2017 Mandurah Masters LLCC broke all records with 179 swimmers, aged from 26 to 89, from 18 Clubs from as far as Whitfords in the north to Bunbury in the South. This included 45 Mannas, which could have been more except many members were kind enough to forego swimming to volunteer to help.
In the water, (subject to confirmation) 18 State and 2 National records were broken. With 45 swimmers competing, Mandurah dominated many events not only numerically but also with some outstanding swims, see Team Rankings below.
Out of the water, Gerry and his team of volunteers did a fantastic job setting up, running and then cleaning and packing up after the event. There are too many volunteers to thank everyone and I apologise if you are not named specifically, but thanks to Graeme & Co doing the heavy lifting; Pres. Steve & the flying Canadian on the microphone, Jen, 2 x Barb & Co marshalling; the Newcombe twins on Raffle; Runners Deb, Wayne, Trevor, Ken and others; Deb's girls in the Kitchen; Sue and Steve on the computer, and all those who took a turn as timers.
Thank you to everyone who brought a plate or two. What a feast! I am sure many come just for the food we put on. Well done!
A special thanks to the team of Referees lead by Lynne Duncan, who did a fabulous job keeping the event moving.
Without a doubt, all those who attended know we have a great venue and the friendly people to smoothly run not only a meet of this size, but - if given the opportunity - a much larger meet.